My mission for this blog is not to trash these websites, but to publicize their danger. I was hoping to get a little help in spreading my message through a public role model. I chose Tyra Banks as my target, as I believe that she is a beautiful example of someone who inspires others to feel comfortable with their bodies and overall self.
Over the past few weeks, however, I have begun reconsidering my change agent. Maybe I went for someone too big, too public. I have sent in more than one letter, such as the one I posted earlier, and I have not even received a response saying that they RECEIVED the letter. Yes, I am starting to think I reached a little too high for Tyra.
Also, perhaps those who are/are trying to recover from their eating disorder need someone who has experienced the same disease…similar to the way a drug or alcohol addict needs the support of a former addict to recover simply for the fact that that individual understands the pain and the torture, and has persevered. Perhaps Tyra does not resonate enough with those I am trying to help. While she certainly stands for loving ones body, perhaps she is too idealistic, as she has never NOT loved her body to the extent that an eating disorder sufferer has, perhaps the two cannot relate.
With all these factors in mind, I am taking the idea of changing my change agent into consideration. I think I should find someone who can relate closer to eating disorder sufferers, and who serves as an inspiration in the sense that they have done the seemingly impossible and made definite advances on the road to recovery. I have a few individuals in mind…but what do you, my readers, think of this proposition? Does it make more sense? If so, any ideas for a candidate?
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